The Product Porch

The Product Manager as a Player-Coach

Episode Summary

As a product manager, I want to understand the unique challenges of the Product Manager Player-Coach role and how to navigate its advantages and disadvantages, so that I can balance leading my team while executing key responsibilities.

Episode Notes

1:22- Joe explains why the role of Product Player Coach role is a cop-out

2:51- Todd uses data to say how it can work and leverages his love of the NBA to demonstrates why

5:34- We discuss what success looks like for a Product Manager Player Coach 

10:02- Ryan walks us through how we resolved the challenges associated with this hybrid role

13:32- Todd walks us through the disadvantages of the hybrid PM/Coach role

16:03- Joe emphatically tells us why Product Managers must be successful at relationships- Product Managers are already “coaches”

20:15- We talk about getting uncomfortable to grow as a product manager

23:30- Joe discusses his affinity for gold stars

26:30- Life lessons from being a player-coach have advantages for career advancement if you want to be a people manager

30:20- What are the negatives of being a player-coach?

32:30- We hear about Todd’s real-life experience as a player-coach. Todd clashes with his peers but learns to turn it around.

34:50- Ryan tells us about his real-life experience as a player-coach. He’s the scapegoat!

37:10- How do relationships change when you become a player-coach?

40:20- Hear a fantastic analogy between player-coach and Spider-man 2

44:25- Words of advice for anyone considering the role of player-coach.